Raisin Babka

Raisin Babka
Product Description
Babka — is a traditional Polish sweet Easter pastry made of yeast dough that has a characteristic round shape. Basically, it is something between cake and bread. Babka is made from yeast dough with golden raisins filling. Interesting fact, that the first Babkas were baked in pots or cauldrons, so the baking dish for Babka was usually round, deep, with a ribbed surface and a hole in the middle in order to make sure that the dough would bake evenly.FAQ
Can I get babka delivered?
Yes, you certainly can. We deliver to your doorsteps in the most convenient ways. Here are our delivery options: Local: We will deliver your order directly to the door for free if you are no more than 5 miles away from us. The minimum order for deliveries is $40. 1-2 days: We can ship your order to Florida, Georgia, part of South Carolina, and part of Alabama. (We don’t ship anything that can deteriorate quickly or can be crushed during transportation).
How to store babka?
Our Babka remains fresh in the refrigerator for no longer than two days if covered loosely with foil or plastic wrap. You can reheat it the next day in a microwave.